"I'm a Jesus Girl who can step on the scale and simply see an indication of how much my body weighs - not the worth of who I am!" Lysa Terkheurst

On July 9th I had Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass surgery and this is my journey! I want to be clear that I DO NOT think this surgery is a quick-fix for weightloss and every possible means should be taken before even considering this path. It is VERY difficult and if I knew then what I know now, I would have done more to lose the weight on my own! Having said that, I'm thankful for my new healthier life and am accepting and taking charge of MY weightloss journey! And... ALL the glory and honour goes to GOD!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Blood Pressure

Well this has been a great week. I went back to help for the final week of Kids' Kamp at church and it was such a great time! Not only was it a great time, but I was amazed at how much more energy I had this year compared to last year. What an awesome feeling!

I had my first follow-up appointment this past Thursday with my bariatric doctor and dietician. They were all impressed with how well I'm doing. They said I look like someone 3 months post-op as opposed to 1 month out in regards to my healing. Also, the Doc took me off my blood pressure medication!!! I'm so excited about this. Now, hopefully, the dizziness will end and I'll be able to do more without feeling weak.

I've been able to introduce a lot more foods this week. It's nice to eat more variety. One of my favorites now is cheesestrings! I know, that's sad. But there's lots of protein and calcium in them. I still find drinking water the hardest. I have always been a chugger so drinking it slowly is so hard, especially when I'm really thirsty. But just another lesson in patience!

We are on our way right now to Oakville (I'm typing this blogpost from my Playbook). Our nephew is being baptized this Sunday. After the baptism there is a dinner and Prime Rib is on the menu. *sigh* Thankfully I'll be able to try some of the food on the menu, but I'll be eating about 1/12 of what I would have eaten before surgery.

We are also going to Niagara Falls and Marineland on Monday. When we went to Marineland last summer I was SOOOOO miserable. I could barely walk around without pain in my legs and back, huffing and puffing and just pure misery. I also took my official "before" picture while we were there because I wanted to remember how horrible I felt. It was a week before my first appointment with the bariatric doctor. It's hard to believe a year has gone by.

Well I will not be able to post tomorrow because we are going to be super busy. So I'm doing my weekly weight update a day early. I thought I would lose more this week because I was a bit more active, but I did the same as last week (unless I lose more today.) I lost three pounds this week for a total now of 46 pounds. I'll take that!

Total Loss:
46 lbs


  1. 46 lbs is great! Rock on, lady!

  2. At least it's minus 3 and not a plus. Every pound lost is good. Glad they took you off your bp medication. Now I want my monitor back. lol! Hope you are able to enjoy the dinner, even though you can't eat much. Have a great weekend!


  3. You are doing a great job Dayna! 46 pounds is A LOT! No wonder you have so much more energy. Can't wait to see the before/after photos when you decide it is time to post them. Nice work sis!
