Well, yesterday was the 100lb mark but I lost another pound since yesterday, so I lost 5lbs this week for a total of 101lbs. Over the past few weeks I've been thinking about what my blog would be about when I lost 100 pounds. So I want to give 100 Cheers to Good Health! I've split the following list into 2 sections. The first half are things I'm able to do now that I couldn't do before, and also things I'm thankful for that came with this weightloss journey. The second half is a bunch of encouraging comments I've received through Facebook, Emails and my Blog. All of these items are things that have blessed me over the past few months and have helped me in this journey to better health. This list is not exhaustive and I'm sure as soon as I hit "Publish" I'll think of more things, but we'll start here! Also, this list is not in order of most favorite to least favorite, except for the first few.
1. My body is a healthier place for God’s Holy Spirit to dwell!
2. Being told that my reliance on God for strength has encouraged others to renew their relationship with God and start going back to church. This is probably the BIGGEST thing for me!
3. Being told by so many people that I’ve inspired them to start their own journey to health
4. Better (and more) intimacy with my husband ;)
5. My Children are able to sit on my lap to cuddle with me – I didn’t have a lap before
6. No Blood Pressure medication needed anymore
7. Being able to hug my husband and get my arms all the way around him
8. Going for bike rides with my kids
9. Breathe A LOT easier while singing
10. Giving kids “airplane rides”
11. Less Depression and more contentment/happiness/joy
12. Being able to drive without pushing the seat as far back as possible to fit my stomach in
13. Walking far distances with no back pain
14. Going on field trips with my kids class and not hurting from walking around or being active
15. Exercising at the gym
16. Being able to use public washroom (even though I avoid them when possible. I couldn’t fit in the stalls before)
17. Being able to sit in booths at restaurants, or tables with the attached chairs
18. Going down a huge water slide while vacationing with my family
19. Walking around Niagara Falls and Marineland with NO PAIN and LOTS of energy
20. Do not need a cart to hold on to in the stores
21. Helping with Summer Kids’ Kamp at church and having lots of energy to do it!
22. Better/more restful sleep
23. Able to cross my legs
24. Fold my arms
25. Sit in a chair with arms and not feel like my hips are going to burst out the side
26. Able to sit in an airplane seat without an extender seatbelt
27. Do yard work
28. Can put on socks with ease
29. Jump in the pool instead of using steps
30. Getting in and out of the vehicle is easier
31. More pep in my step
32. Longer stamina for grocery shopping and running errands
33. Willing to get my picture taken now (left myself out of family memories for a while there!)
34. Can clean my own house now instead of paying someone else to do it (maybe that’s a minus! :P )
35. Don't have to plop down on furniture or rock back and forth to gain momentum to get up
36. Can touch my fingers around wrists
37. Wear more stylish clothes
38. Legs don't rub together when walking or running
39. Skin is a lot better
40. Wearing high heals
41. Can tie my shoes with ease
42. Parking anywhere in the parking lot and not having to look for a space with lots of room to open the door
43. Able to control my food portions and food choices
44. Able to stand for a whole music concert without any pain
45. Learned how to cook/bake healthier things
46. Finding out where all the good bargain stores are for clothes
47. New clothes only lasting a couple of weeks (gets expensive, but feels good!)
48. Realizing that I was carrying around the equivalent of 2 of my children on my body for the past number of years.
49. Being able to talk to my sister about working out and being active (we avoided this topic while I was at my heaviest)
50. Going on rides at amusement parks that I couldn’t fit in before and avoided
51. Fitting into clothes I kept from 15 years ago, and they are actually too big
52. Made WONDERFUL friends with my PHAT Sistas (Physically Healthy and Awesome!)
53. Found out who my true supporters and friends are
54. Hi, Dayna. I just wanted to say thank you for your posts. Your comment before your surgery about "don't let another 5 lbs join you" really hit home for me as I gained 5 lbs on March break and was being casual about it. Thanks for the push. I've made some food changes and I'm now down 10 lbs from that "holiday high". According to my doctor, I could lose another 30 lbs, but 20 more is my goal. Keep workin' hard. The effort will be worth it.
55. You are an incredible woman, Dayna...a true firecracker in this often dark world! God has great plans for you, my friend!! Best of luck on Monday and we look forward to your updates. But remember, success or not, we all love you no matter what!!!
56. (Your post) made me laugh and cry all in 5 mins. Only you Dayna!! :) I am glad that you had "the talk" (with the kids), which only shows how strong you are emotionally and spiritually! Loves ya and will be waiting for that update for me to call you!! Hugs dear friend!! You go girl!!
57. Wow! As if the surgery wasn't enough, you had "the talk" with your kids?! You are one amazing woman! And then to give such a clear testimony in your blog?! You go girl!!
58. Your honesty is raw, thank you for allowing us into your life in such an intimate way. Praying for you, and looking forward to seeing your smiling face at Church again!
59. I can notice your eyes! They look so "alive". You are doing so awesome!!
60. Don't concern yourself with the opinions of others, do what you've got to do for yourself. EVERYONE knows how hard it is to eat right, exercise and maintain a healthy weight. 10lbs can be as difficult to loose and keep off as 100lbs. Keep on keepin' on, you're doing great! You have obviously not treated this surgery lightly, you're making all the necessary lifestyle changes to back up and support the surgery. A lot of people don't realize you can just pack the weight back on eventually, you have to start and maintain a healthy lifestyle, the surgery just gives you a jump start! I'd ask the nay-sayers if they have an issue with someone getting liposuction or other form of plastic surgery? Those types of surgeries can be just as controversial but much more widely accepted and in most cases, they don't make the person any more healthy, they just "look" better. God bless you, Dayna. Lots of people are rooting for you!
61. I just finished reading your blog!!! It's awesome! You are doing so great hun :) You have accomplished so much and you will accomplish sooo much more. Reading your blog I can tell you have what it takes to get to your goal. So very proud of you and all that you have done to get to where you are at!!!
62. You are doing amazing! I like reading your blogs - they are so inspirational. Both the NSV (Non Scale Victories) and SCV (Scale Victories) are impressive.:)
63. Some people no matter what will always have negative comments. Concentrate on the positives. Congrats on all that you have accomplished so far! Way to go!
64. I'm trying to make changes in order to become more healthy. It's so difficult to have the willpower to do this. No matter what method you used, you are still the person accomplishing your goal. Your biking and swimming and other activities are inspirational. Thanks for your willingness to share the journey.
65. Congratulation Dayna! Don't let any negative comments get in the way, you have made a huge change to become healthier, that's what matters.
66. Dayna, I just wanted to encourage you. You are doing a great job in this weightloss journey. Your positive attitude and desire to be as healthy as ever will prove great success. God bless you as you discover this new you on the journey. Peace and joy be yours.
67. Dayna, I am so very proud of you & enjoying your blogs! Praying each day you feel a bit better, I know with God's help you will..love you
68. My belt unexpectedly slipped into one hole further today - a nice surprise to start the day. Wanted to say thanks too for being honest in sharing your feelings after the surgery that you realized you had not done everything possible as you assessed you had before the surgery. It pushed me to realize I was not taking control of my own situation.
69. I also listened to a speaker last night who said "Are you a victim (the world happens to you) or are you a victor (you happen to the world)". We give so many excuses for why we do or do not do things. It may be a natural human tendency, but I'm done with that! I want to take charge of my body and our family eating. If I want to achieve this goal I have to invest my time, effort and money! It almost seems to validate that it's ok...strange as that sounds. Mommy has always been "last", but it's time to invest in me (and ultimately my family) so I can be healthy and around for a long time! Anyway, I thought I'd share how you've helped to kick my proverbial butt. Keep working hard - investing your time, effort and money towards your goal!
70. You looked fabulous at Church this morning! I have been inspired by you, and reading your blog and talking to you has kicked my rear in gear. I bought a pair of running shoes yesterday and a fuel belt (to carry water and keys) and went for a run for the first time in over 3 years tonight. It felt better than I expected, I was able to run longer then I thought I would. Keep rockin' it out, we're all cheering you on!
71. I'm not sure if this in encouragement or not....but whenever I glance at your profile pic, I think it's your sister. Keep up the good work - you are an inspiration to many! (And yes, that's a compliment - I think my sister is beautiful!)
72. Keep a picture of yourself before you lost weight and every time you get a craving remind yourself that you've worked extremely hard to keep yourself healthy and it just isn't worth it to give in. I'm guessing you are a strong willed person, that means you can easily put your mind to something and push through it. The biggest and most important strength we have comes from God, pray your little heart out every time you feel like you might slip up. Anyways, hopefully something I've said helps encourage you :)
73. I can't believe you are at 78 lbs already. That was QUICK! Wow! Job well done. If you are not already on Pinterest, you might want to sign up for it (I can send you an invitation). It's a great way to find healthy snacks and recipes and organize them on your own "boards". I just made some healthy protein muffins made from protein powder. I make my lunch-shakes with vanilla powder now because you can mix it with just about anything and it will taste ok (spinach, mint leaves, pineapple, bananas...etc). You are doing well just keep thinking "LAKE, STAMPEDE, WATER FEATURE." Look-out Calgary....there's a brand new Dayna coming next summer!
74. It has been my entire life and will continue to be - to find balance. I have learned to not eat what I can't stop eating. I have learned that food is essential for survival but is not my God. God has given it for me to enjoy but not to worship. Rewards should not be food based. You can do this. You know more about your needs and your wants - knowing is half the battle. You also know that when you start something it may not be worth the consequences to even taste test. Go in faith Dayna. You are a super star! Be His presence in all you do.
75. Hey Dayna, you're doing great! Just remember it was a BAD habit and now you need to believe you have the ability to make better choices. You're going to rock this! All the best to you on your journey.
76. I am so proud of you. Keep up the great work. Just think about all the energy you have now compared to a few months ago. Do you really want to go back to that? I don't think you do. You are getting it altogether now and it's not only you that you are making healthier, but your family too. So it's a win win situation! I love you and I'm in this battle with you. Let's see who wins! lol! I think you have me beat already!
77. Congratulations dear cousin! You have done so well and I know you will be able to handle any challenge that comes your way as you continue this journey. I think of you often and I'm sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way :)
78. As someone who LOVES all things food, (especially the bad stuff!) and a lifetime Weight Watchers member, I have learned a few things that work for me when it comes to the food battle. For instance - something I say to myself a lot when I'm tempted to overeat or eat really bad foods is, "Nothing tastes as good as ______________ feels." I fill in the blank with different words like confidence, healthy, success...it is kind of my inner mantra! Congratulations on your success...hope this tip helps!
79. I just wanted to say how excited I am for you after working so hard to lose your weight. The nsvs are becoming more obvious for you each week. Whenever you feel the cravings just remember how good it felt to achieve those nsvs and how tired and sick you felt before this all started. You are gaining your life back and I know you don't want anything to get in your way. You are a very blessed woman as you have many who love and support you as you continue on this journey. You are an amazing woman and you blow me away with your God-given talents. You give to others, now it is your time to take care of yourself. I look forward to reading more of your blogs.
80. Remember how far you’ve come in just doing something about it right now. Just think, you could be still gaining but you are so not. I am so proud to have you as my friend. When I think I want that bag of chips I think "Dayna’s doing it and so can I". You’re having an impact. Oh, and you pick awesome friends!
81. Remarkable weight loss and you are looking great! As a weight watchers attender, I am thrilled to read that you encourage people to try everything else before going for the surgery because I believe you - if you need to lose weight, seek the way that best suits your lifestyle without resorting to a life-altering, massive surgery - while it is successful and you are proof of that, the emotional turmoil must be difficult. You were one of the reasons I was encouraged to go back to WW (after 12 years). It wasn't because of your surgery and the result from it but it was because of what you said about doing everything you can --- before you consider surgery. Thanks and good luck.
82. Don't get discouraged if you are not down 100 lbs by Christmas. You are doing GREAT and you look wonderful! Love you lots!
83. Dayna you are an inspiration to everyone!!! So very proud of you. Love you and keep up the hard work. You’re the one doing all the work I just keep seeing the results!!! It’s your hard work.
84. Just wanted to let you know that I am very proud of you and you are such an inspiration.....I just joined my fitness pal online and have had a great week food wise....now to incorporate some exercise.....smothered with the flu right now so it makes exercise less desirable. What exercise do you do? By the way....love you big time.
85. I know I am a little behind but I was reading some of your weight loss journey blog. You are doing great and like you said it is about being healthy and I like that. Do you mind asking what your goal is? I saw you lost 87 lbs or something like that. Wow that is great in itself but I realize it is just the beginning of your journey. God Bless you for taking the steps to make yourself feel better. Noone should ever put you down no matter how you go about doing it.
86. I just wanted to send you a message to let you know how proud I am of you. I sat down tonight and read a bunch of your posts on your blog that I had missed recently. I'm so excited for these changes that you have made in your life and you have inspired me to do the same. Two weeks ago "M" and I bought a treadmill. We put it together and I am going to actually start using it! I am loving all of the food tips that you are putting on your blog and I will definately be using some of them! I just wanted to say thank you for your frienship and thank you for inspiring me to be a "skinny-mini" too! I will keep you posted on how I'm doing. Thank you for the tips and for allowing us to follow your journey...I love you and I thank God for you!!!
87. I too thought the "Phat" was a play on "fat". I also think it is even better knowing the new meaning. You are a PHAT (new meaning not old one) princess. I personally think the old name of your blog shows your personality better. It has pizzaz! Keep up the good work with your journey.
88. This is YOUR blog and you own it! For those of us who know and love you best, we understand the context of " phat" in this case ... All blogs are "intellectual" property and as such, you are entitled to write what you wish. I enjoy reading your blog and don't change another thing about it or you because my dear niece are "created in God's image" and He is being glorified daily through your witness.
89. Hi there, Phat lady. I liked your previous title and now knowing that it can also be an acronym for "Pretty Hot and Tempting" I like it even more. I'm sure Stelios would agree. Regardless, I certainly was not offended by the previous title and thought it was cute and creative. I also see your blog (and any other blog) as a creative writing exercise in a tongue-in-cheek style. Continued success with your weightloss program! We're all very proud of you.
90. Like you, I thought that Phat was just another way of spelling the word Fat and putting a little twist to it. It is only your family and those who have been close to you all these years who know what a big deal this is for you. You make me proud! I am so happy too that now you are "able" to do things with your kids....things that you wanted to do before, but couldn't. Keep up the great work! I love you with all my heart.
91. I know it’s been a while since we've really touched base, but I just wanted to tell you that I am very happy for you and proud of you for making these changes in your life! I know that it isn't about the outside, but about having the most fulfilling life possible where you can be a healthy and active mom! I know it is hard work, I still have time where I struggle, but it is worth all of the sacrifice and hard work to be healthy and to honor God in caring for what He gave us I wish you all the best and hope to catch up again soon!
92. Hey there my friend, I am sorry I haven't made the time to tell you how great you look. I miss you... And I think you are looking fantastic and I can't even imagine how good you must be feeling with that much success. Way to go, cheering for you my friend!
93. Just wanted to let you know that you are my inspiration!!!! :) since July I started watching what I am eating and going on the treadmill and I have lost around 40 lbs.
94. Congratulations Dayna...way to go!!!
95. WHOO-HOO!!! I'm beyond thrilled and proud of you my friend!! You're amazing!!! :) Love ya lots!!
96. Wow, congratulations on this huge accomplishment Dayna!
97. Way to go!! So happy that you've reached this milestone. Many more to be conquered...and you will!!
98. You have been so God honoring in this journey and have always told others how you have relied on God. You should be proud of your witness as well as your weightloss journey.
99. Looking great. The weight loss even makes your eyes look bigger.
100. I want to encourage you with this passage of Scripture: [3] Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—[4] but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. (1 Peter 3:3-4 ESV)! That's what it's all about, not hotness and beauty.
So there you have it! I know that you probably won't read all of that, and it's okay. It's for my sake more than anything. This morning in church, my lovely friend, Kathy-Jo came up to me and said "I have to tell you something. I asked (my son) Nathan this morning how much he weighs and he said 100lbs." It's hard to believe that I have lost a whole 13 year old! Here's me and Nathan after church today. Thanks Nathan for being my visual reminder of what I've lost! (Hmmm... that sounds bad... I didn't lose YOU, just the weight you represent! haha)
As always, I thank you all for your support and encouragement. I truly could not have accomplished this without the love and support from my beloved family and friends. I am an amazingly blessed woman!
Total loss: 101lbs
Dayna, your blog and candid comments are an eye opener and very educational for us all! You are to be commended on speaking out and revealing all the hidden (to others) obstacles you encountered daily! I feel for you and I am very moved when I read your blog! I am sure this openness will be the key to your long term goal of keeping the weight off! You are confronting your demons in a very brave and determined way! Let it all hang out ! LOL ...100 hughes to you and your family!
I especially liked numbers 49 and 71 - haha! You were too kind with 71 especially since I have always thought you were the prettier one;) You look so good and it gives me goosebumps to see new pictures of you because I know you have struggled for SO LONG. I love you and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. Congratulations on your 100lb milestone. I am still amazed at this huge accomplishment! WAY TO GO!!!