This past week I stepped out of my comfort zone at the gym and decided to do some machines that I always shied away from. I never thought I would ever be able to do the step machine.
I got on it and thought to myself, I'll do it for a minute, just to see how brutal it is. Well I got on it, and lasted 5 minutes. Now, some of you might think that's not a big deal, but for me, it's huge. I have major knee issues so I've always avoided stairs or anything that felt like climbing them. This was actually an enjoyable machine to use and I look forward to doing more of it!
Another machine that I've always avoided was the rowing machine. The main reason for avoiding this machine is because my stomach was always in the way. I didn't even try it because I knew it would push my stomach and chest up into my neck and would just be too hard. Well I conquered it this week and really enjoyed it!
I've also started using more Ab machines. This is my biggest problem area and unfortunately, I've been putting it off the most.
And finally, my favorite new exercising tool is the medicine ball! There are so many different exercises you can do with it to tone different muscle groups. I was watching The Biggest Loser this week and seeing how they hardly ever use weight machines on that show. They use stuff like ropes, tires, medicine balls, etc to do their work outs. So I thought it was time to change it up and bit. And I'm LOVING it!
All of the work I've done at the gym in the past few months has led me to yesterday. I was able to do something I haven't done since Jr. High. I went SLIDING with the kids and Stelios. It was SO MUCH fun! I was able to run up and down the hill without getting out of breath and my back and legs didn't hurt AT ALL! Most of, my kids had smiles on their faces the whole time and I believe it was in large part because I was not just a spectator but an active participant! I laid in bed last night and had a moment of guilt that I waited so long to lose the weight that prevented me from doing so much with my family. But then I "smacked" myself and realized that I have done it now and that it's not too late to participate in life! My kids are still young and thankfully they now have an active mother to enjoy life with!
Getting ready for my first trip down the hill!
Cuddle time with my baby!

I have a funny NSV (Non Scale Victory) this week. When I was in Jr. High school, I was at my best friend, Nicole's house. Well, she wasn't my best friend then - more like arch-enemy But that's another story! haha Anyway, I remember being in her living room and she said "Look at how my mom crosses her legs. I hope I can cross my legs like that some day." Her mom, Melita, had her legs crossed normally and then had her foot tucked in around her leg a second time. Ever since that day, I've always wished I could do that as well. Well this week I was lying down in bed and I tried it, and it worked! It is obviously easier doing it lying down than sitting in chair, but I'll be able to do it sitting in a chair someday soon!!!
Well this week I lost some more weight! I was thinking I wouldn't lose much because I am doing A LOT of weight lifting. But I guess I'm doing enough cardio too to account for the muscle gain. I lost 3 lbs this week to bring my total to 130lbs down altogether! One of my peeps, Hannah, told me that she weighs a bit less than 130 but with all the clothes, boots and scarf she had on today, she was probably more like 130lbs. So I got a picture of her on my back. I then proceeded to walk around the auditorium for a bit with her on my back. I CAN'T believe I've lost the equivalent of a Hannah! It was HARD walking around with her on my back (no offence Hannah!) How did I do it for all those years. It makes me sad in one breath but very grateful in the next. Thanks for the visual reminder today, Hannah, of how much I've lost!
So yesterday was 7 months since I had surgery. Here is my monthly photo update. Crazy! I'm still shocked at how fast it has all happened but ever so grateful! And as always, I give God the glory for helping me through this journey and for granting me great health!
Total Loss: 130lbs
I love your sledding pictures. Y'all look so happy! I love reading all about your NSVs too. Can't wait to see you in person.