I don't even know where to begin. I guess the first thing I want to say is to any of you struggling with weightloss, seek out solutions to lose the weight as soon as you can. The surgery I just had is MAJOR and 6 days later, I'm still really uncomfortable and having a hard time emotionally with the changes to my lifestyle. This method of weightloss is not easy at all, and if I knew then what I knew now, I would have tried harder to do it without the surgery.
I think these emotions and thoughts are normal. And I know that in a few weeks when I can run around again and function normally, I'll be thrilled with what this surgery has done for my life. Just a few hoops to get through first!
So last Sunday night before I went to bed, I had a melt down, which again, is normal. It's very emotional preparing for something so life-changing. It was like a period of mourning - mourning the old lifestyle, mourning the comfort food brought me - mourning of all sorts. Stelios reminded me that this was going to be a positive change for all of us and that he is with me 100% of the way. That was comforting. I went to bed after a long chat with God, asked for His supernatural peace to wash over me as I slept. I woke up at 4am Monday morning eager and ready to get to the hospital.
I went to the pre-op unit where they dressed me in some pretty sexy attire. Then about 3 billion people came and asked me questions, the same questions, over, and over, and over... I felt SO calm through all of it. I was just so anxious to get it started. They kept saying "do you have any questions for us?" and I just said "no, let's get this party started!"
After surgery I woke up in recovery with a bit more ease than I have come out of surgery in the past. Usually I have a lot of breathing problems coming out of anesthetic but this time I didn't at all. Oh no, this time I could breath fine. I just couldn't stand the PAIN! WOW! During this surgery they blow up your body cavity with air to make it easier to get to the organs and places they need to go. Well, let's just say, I wish there was one of those valves that you could push to reverse the air, like in a camping mattress. The air was stuck under my ribs for days and wouldn't move, no matter how much I walked. It got better after a few days, but those first couple of days were torture. So be thankful every time you fart or burp! (I know, TMI!)
My room had a great view of downtown and the sunrise in the morning was beautiful. I woke up usually around 5:30am for them to check my vitals. Stelios would usually come in around that time too. He stayed in Oakville while I was in the hospital and he came in early so he could avoid early Toronto traffic. Smart kid! The doctors were happy with how much I was getting up and walking. I probably walked more in the 4 days in the hospital than I have in the past 6 months. My calves were killing me by the time we left. I was determined to do everything possible to get better soon. Even though I was doing all the right things, my heart rate went up a few times which concerned them. Usually if there is any fluctuations in vital signs, it could mean that the pouch (the new stomach) might be leaking. So they kept me in an extra day to make sure everything was okay.
The first day after surgery it was VERY difficult to swallow water or juice. It was like swallowing air. Very painful. All I could "eat" while in the hospital was juice, broth, tea, jello (which I couldn't swallow at all) and of course water. I started chewing on ice chips and found that really helped in swallowing later. Maybe it made the swelling go down quicker, I don't know. Anyway, they gave us these little medicine bottles to have all of our drinks and we were supposed to drink one of these every 15 minutes. Seems like an easy task, but very difficult when it hurts to much to swallow. We can't have straight juice - has to be diluted with half water. It was so good drinking juice for the first time in three weeks! So this picture is basically what my meals consisted of each day. Yum!

Fastforward to today. My incisions look like they are healing nicely. I have to take all the steri-stips off today so we'll see all the nice stuff! haha I am still REALLY tender and slow moving, but each day does get a little better. I'm trying not to use any pain meds unless completely necessary. I went all day yesterday without them and then just took one before bed last night because I was having a hard time getting comfortable.
The first couple of days after surgery were filled with so much regret for letting myself get to the place where I required life-altering surgery. But when I look at the scales going down each day, it does make it a bit more worth it. And like I said, I know in a few weeks I'll be ecstatic that I did this. I would still encourage anyone with weight issues to do EVERYTHING you can to lose it on your own first. I really thought I had done everything I could but looking back, I can honestly say I didn't. The part I DIDN'T do is believe in myself. And that's the key. So let me tell you, I believe in you and will do whatever I can to help you if you need a cheerleader. This is a hard struggle but one that is easy to win if you put the right people around you!
I want to finally thank everyone who has been following my journey in this and has been praying for me. I have felt those prayers in such a huge way! I don't know where I'd be without my faith in God and the reliance of support from brothers and sisters in Christ!
So today is Sunday. It's weightloss update day! I've been fortunate. A lot of people gain weight the first week after surgery because of all the fluids in their body. But I didn't. This past week I've lost 10 pounds so I'm down a total of 35 lbs now. Yay! Look forward to dropping some more this week!
Total Loss: 35 lbs
Your honesty is raw, thank you for allowing us into your life in such an intimate way. Praying for you, and looking forward to seeing your smiling face at Church again!
ReplyDeleteA major decision for a major surgery. My prayers are with you. Stay focused.
ReplyDeletePraying you through the rough stuff Dayna! Love you!
ReplyDeletethanks for being REAL Dayna. I am sure someone will benefit from your shared stories. I am sure the kids are happy to have you back now, and appreciate you more also!
ReplyDeleteYou're awesome, girlfriend! Thanks for being honest about people trying to lose weight in other ways before going through this major surgery. You WILL be happy about it in the weeks and months to come, however! It's the way you found yourself led to do it and now you're journeying it through with faith and hope! It's good to hear your "hindsight", though! Love you lots and praying for a quick healing and moving forward! xo
ReplyDeleteKeeping you in my prayers.. You're doing awesome with your weightloss... Praying for a speedey recovery.. love reading your blog... awesome job my friend.
ReplyDelete"When your pathway grows dim, when you just don't see Him, remember you're never alone. God is too wise to be mistaken. God is too good to be unkind. So when you don't understand, when you don't see His plan, when you can't trace His hand, trust His heart."
ReplyDeleteYou are doing a wonderful job Dayna and God will continue to strengthen you every day. Love you sister:)